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Bloody Valentines Sale ON NOW! 20% off the Collection
Bloody Valentines Sale ON NOW! 20% off the Collection

Rigid Plastic Winchester Bowie Knife Replica

$ 60.00

"That's not a knife. THIS is a knife." - Mick Dundee - Crocodile Dundee

Intimidate street thugs with this beautiful Winchester Bowie Knife replica! Molded from a real fixed-blade Winchester Bowie Knife, our replica is hand-cast in rigid urethane plastic and is much safer than its real-life counterpart. Each Winchester Bowie Knife replica features a hand-painted bright chrome blade, intricate wood-grain detailing, and faux brass-finished rivets and crossbar. Safe for stunt use or where a real knife would pose too great a danger. Available in 3 styles!

Use caution when in direct contact with actors.

Size: 14.25"x 3" x 1"

Weight: 5 oz