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News and Events

  • Reducing Risk On Set: The Untold Importance of Special Effects Props
    July 6, 2023 Ryan Johnson

    Reducing Risk On Set: The Untold Importance of Special Effects Props

    The use of special effects props isn't merely a practical choice; it is a strategic decision that promises safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Embracing this approach ensures that the show can indeed go on - in a safer, more sustainable, and budget-friendly way. In an industry where the stakes are high and margins often tight, that's a benefit that simply can't be ignored.
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  • Props, Podcasts, and Positivity
    April 30, 2020 Ryan Johnson

    Props, Podcasts, and Positivity

    The interview was conducted exactly one week after we had to shut down our entire NewRuleFX operation. I was in a pretty low place. There was a lot of uncertainty and a general feeling of doom during that time. Not that it’s all subsided, it’s just different now. Steve snapped me right out of it! He was up-beat and interested and we both had a blast talking about movies, my early entrepreneurial exploits and of course the path I took breaking stuff for a living. I really enjoyed speaking with Steve for his show. Take a listen, I think you’ll agree. It’s a refreshing escape from the dreary, dreadful news! 
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  • The Lamborghini kit that lead to breakaway glass.
    February 4, 2020 Ryan Johnson

    The NewRule Origin Story

    I’ve always been interested in film, movies, tv and entertainment.  From the first frames of an enormous spaceship that roared across the local movie screen in an epic space western, to the plywood set built in my own backyard, I...

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