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German Model 24 Stielhandgranate Potato Masher Grenade Prop

$ 60.00

The Model 24 Stielhandgranate (in German, "stalk hand grenade") was the standard hand grenade of the German Army from World War I until the end of World War II . The very distinctive appearance led to it being called a "stick grenade" or " potato masher " in British Army slang, and is still one of the most easily recognized infantry weapons of the 20th century.

This accurate replica prop is made from dense flexible foam and is expertly hand painted to resemble metal and wood. It features realistic detail and has a solid armature core for stability. Bring authenticity to your period production while using a safe alternative to the real thing! Safe for direct contact use with actors, this prop is intended for professional production use only.

This is and inert prop. It contains NO explosive and does not fire, nor can it be modified to do so.

Size: 2.375" x 2.375" x 13.5"

Weight: 6 oz

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